Friday, January 24, 2025

Akihabara, Packin Uuup

Boring post for today.  As expected we just went around Akihabara, a Tokyo area that has tons of anime, video game, pop culture stuff and arcades.  Its pretty busy for good reason.  Tons to look at.  Deals are slim kind of, in the sense that it's so busy that most hopes of finding a deal are dashed as they've been matching or exceeding internet prices.

For instance, a regular Game Boy Color console here was 22,000 yen or about $150.  When you can buy them used on ebay for like $70 or $80.  Its just supply and demand though as folks will pay premiums here to get a souvenir. 

On the other hand there are still plenty of fair priced things but just wanted to give an example as this was "once" a retro game deal haven.  

We played some claw games and lost them all, Japanese ones are interesting but more frustrating I think.  They usually involve budging items or trying to flip them bit by bit into a chasm with a very weak claw that can nudge but not really pick up and lift.

We did want to grab souvenirs for some folks and visited Don Quixote once again.  We got a roller bag for our extra stuff we're leaving with and picked up all the kit kat flavors we could there.  That store is so draining though, just jammed packed all 8 floors.

We were out for probably around 6 hours, maybe a little more before we came back.  Took part again inthe snack/cocktail hour.  We ordered ramen from Uber eats.  First order was cancelled.  2nd the delivery guy took forever trying to find the hotel and then we didn't have silverware. So food had been cold a good 40 minutes and it was just ok.  

A little sad we didn't have anything really mind blowing here other than all the meat we ate, but it is what it is.  Finding things with sore feat and places that arent full can be tough.  Plus having some sense of budget.  We had plenty of very good food and and tons of the best meat so really can't complain.

We have a taxi scheduled tomorrow at 6:30am tomorrow, Sarahs getting all the packed stuff squared away.  

Thanks again for reading if we don't post again!  Fun trip, looking forward to being home to relax and see our cats.

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