Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Long trip Short flight


Writing this up from our small hotel room in Shinjuku, Tokyo.  Our flight from Chicago went well and the flight here was great.  

Once we landed and got through customs we picked up a train ticket we had booked a few days out, got Welcome Suica cards which are like rechargeable cards that work for transport, and then got tickets for the Narita Express which took us here(ish) from the airport.  Its 7:30pm on the 7th right now.  Sarahs absolutely beat and I'm not much better.

The flight over was pretty fantastic.  I still need Sarahs pics and her recap but can maybe do that tomorrow.  I've never had such attentive and fantastic flight attendants.  I was in business class and was in ANAs newer setup called "The Room" and Sarah was in their First Class seat called "The Suite".  Had a multi course meal, and while I had a Sake I stuck to mostly water as being hydrated helps with jetlag.  I got about 4.5 hours of sleep.  The seat in bed mode is pretty comfy for me and the length was great (as a short person).  There was also nobody in my row so I only closed my cubicle doors when I slept.  

I don't have the energy to go into many details but hopefully the pictures help.  Either way I only watched one movie and really just sat and enjoyed the quiet flight that was like being on a sofa (seriously).  Sarahs was even better though.  Fastest 14 hour flight I've ever had.

Going to catch some Zs and like I said I'll try and have a better write up tomorrow


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